2 min readFeb 23, 2024


Will She move on…??

She lay in bed, crying, caught in the middle of that hard battle between heart and mind.
He had made his choice and did so in the wrong possible way.
He didn’t come to her and talk to her about how he felt..he sought the arms of another….She had loved him for so long and finding out that way shook her to her core.She was a confused mess of anger and sadness.. she had no words for the way she felt at that moment.She wanted to scream at him, fight the overwhelming rage she felt for his deceitful choice.. but she knew that would no good. He had tried to apologize, told her all the things he thought she wanted to hear..but she already hurt…
There was nothing he could say or do that would change her mind about what she knew she had to do..
But her heart-the one part of her that wouldn’t let her close the door fully, still loved him, wanted to believe in him, longed to give him another chance. Deep down, she knew she had no choice to let him go..
But that didn’t make letting go any easier.She caught herself looking at old pictures of them together, transporting her back to a happier time- when their love was young and the future seemed limitless.
Wiping away a tear, fighting to pull herself together, she picked up her phone and typed out a message. Finishing the text and pressing send, she was overwhelmed with a combination of relief and sadness..
Actually she is stuck in emotions..
She fought to catch her breath as she stared at the message she had just sent to him.
She was doing what she knew had to be done, but it didn’t make it any easier.
With those few words, she had made her choice. What she wants to sent him was more than just a message for him, it was a statement to herself that she was closing this chapter of her life.If she talked to him again, she feared she would give in- she wasn’t strong enough, she still cared about him and the wounds were too fresh..
Her heart wasn’t ready to let go….

