What I want…

1 min readJun 17, 2024

A love without definition that is free to change and evolve and doesn’t need to boxed or caged ..

I want that feeling that is wide open and free.. That pushes past the boundaries of the past and creates a new path forward for us.

Both for myself and others, I need this for my life.. Love without judgement, without condition and without need of approval.

Knowing that if I look over, I’ll see someone there who gets me..

I don’t have to explain myself or worry if they’ll be okay with who I am and what I say.

That wild freedom to let loose, be myself and know that the open road will lead us where we are meant to be…

That’s the stuff that happiness and dreams are made of.

Music roaring, wind in my hair, the soft touch that feels like there is nothing like it.. the freedom to express that makes you feel like you can do anything.Maybe even fly.

Some birds weren’t made to be caged and I’ll never be tamed..

So if it’s my love you want, step out of your comfort zone and come fly with me.

Something tells me you’ll never want anything or anyone else again.

I know I don’t..And that’s all that matters to me,Now and forever.

