2 min readMay 11, 2020


Love Relationship doesn’t require legalizing !!!

I think people don’t understand what is love relationship? What real love is? Love Relationship is when u have acceptance of other people without any terms and conditions, without the fear of anything. Legalizing the relationship doesn’t guarantee you love, togetherness. The only thing which it gives is social acceptance. Maybe assurance that he/she can’t walk away from your life easily. But is that what is a love relationship?

Love is a very underrated word .. being together with a person …giving flowers….hanging out… … .saying “love you “… getting legalization..is that love ???

Love is different for everyone. Love is knowing everything about the other person good bad everything and still wanting to be with them more than any other person. Love is trusting the person to tell everything about yourself without any fear of judgement. Knowingly we love each more than enough to accept, be yourself with them. When you really love that person nothing seems wrong, you just love the other person without fear, trust that person without question, need him without demanding, want him without restriction…When you love someone they just become your life… like breath, we need them, the emotional connect which you have leads to intimacy where intimacy is not about the sex, but about the truth, where you realize you can tell someone your truth, you can show yourself to them, you can stand in front of them with the response “I love you.. the way you are and you are safe with me.. will take care of your heart”.

When you connect with the person emotionally there are no boundaries. You trust each other by the darkest secrets and you love the other person for everything. And trust me it leads to great intimacy. where you can’t wait for the sun to go and night to come.. you just melt in each other arms and you feel you belong to him. Only him your soul ..you always have big space for him.

And do this kind of love really required validation, stamp ?? No.. it will stay with you forever. Together or not you will always love them. If you have it care for it, preserve it, cherish it.

