3 min readNov 25, 2022


Forever is a lie ?

Relationship would stay on forever? You gave your heart, your soul, your days and your nights into it . You made every effort to sustain it. You wanted to cherish it for a lifetime. You spoke about it fondly to everyone around you. You were proud of the bond your shared with that person. You both longed to meet each other everyday to carve out a new meaning of relationship and pure love everyday. Everything was just so perfect. Nothing can separate you people. Your bond was just too strong and not meant to be broken. That one person whom you could call at any hour, at any time and he was there for you. You were no longer friends instead you were life of each other. You have spent years with that person, celebrated a few birthdays together,waiting for that 1st wish from that person, waiting for a video call, you have so many beautiful pictures together which you keep close to your heart , you can’t upload them anywhere still want to put on to your wall. From a coffee in the cafe to the sharing of notes late at night, from help in a difficult phase of life to explaining each other the smallest of things a day. Everything was picture perfect..the love, carve, care..

Yet, why, today the time has played its card. The person avoiding having eye contact . You avoid eye contact and fear you will cry in front of him. You require each other’s presence yet waiting who will takes a step ahead. You have sacrificed your self respect and taken a step to apologise yet nothing changed. From two people who could share anything, you have come across a phase of life where you talk only when necessary. The days are empty and nights are hollow. You are surrounded by a group of people yet you feel lonely. You want to be away from the world and experience the solitude within. The change has torn you apart. You just spend days pondering can’t we get back as earlier and be normal. You question yourself constantly: Why did this all happen? When did it exactly happen? How did we get away from each other? Why was I replaced in their life? Do they still feel the same for me? What is wrong with me?? I’m not good enough??

Was I so dumb that I could not realize ? After all this I still cant end with my love for him. I can’t change anything the only thing I can do is wait ..wait for him and his love.

More and more each passing day. I hope one day he will miss me, our bound our love and come back to me saying “you know I missed you".

Till that life is a pain , a burden . Each passing day you feel to run to him and embrace in his arms hold him so tight that never let him go.. My love is not temporary .. my Forever is not a lie . Love never dies no matter if you are talking with each other or not. Every second he is with you.. The care the concern always remain the same..i believe more because you don’t know how is he. You can just pray , love and wait Forever.

